The MN21 is an amazing bulb, MN21是一顆非常精采的燈泡。
but unless you have an endless supply of CR123A primaries, 但,除非您一直有無窮CR123一次鋰電池的補給。
it really isn’t very practical. 否則它並不是那麼切合實際。
It draws 4.9 amps.它的消耗電流高達4.9A。
People probably fire it up from time to time to amaze their friends, 人們或者可以偶而點亮它來贏得朋友的訝異。
but even for that purpose there are more impressive options. 但即使如此還是有其他更令人印象深刻的選擇。
Using it with the FM extension and 2x ‘C’ Li-Ions was spectacular. 使用FM先生製作的延長筒身以容納兩顆C刑二次鋰電池,就是其中較為壯觀的。
However this is over-driving it hard, 然而,使用兩串的二次鋰電池,還是會嚴重地過度驅動MN21。
and bulb life is likely to be very short. 因此,燈泡壽命將會縮短。
From cold, I found it required double or triple-clicking to start it. 當燈絲冷的時候,常會需要壓按開關二到三次,才能點亮。
For all these reasons I do not consider it a practical option. 基於上述理由,我不認為這是一個實際的選擇。