Cree, the makers of LEDs used in many flashlights, says that one of their lines of LEDs is protected to 2kV ESD.
3V白熾燈泡承受能力是 3kV 的 EMP感應電壓
Incandescent light bulbs are also vulnerable to surges. Based on lamp life formula, which has a very high exponent (a couple sources put it at 12 or 13.1), destruction of a 3V lamp during a 3000V surge is virtually instantaneous (far less than a nano-second).
Cree, the makers of LEDs used in many flashlights, says that one of their lines of LEDs is protected to 2kV ESD. Under a 50kV/meter EMP, this voltage can be induced on a wire or conductor 1.6 inches long.