1. 一下為由我寄出第一封的詢問信Email: aa-----------@gmail.com
Full name: Walter Chen
Body: Hello,
I've purchased a partner C2 pro silver/ XP-L warm flashlight. And as soon as I got it, I found out there's numerous of tiny dusts inside the light refactor. It doesn't influence on normal usage, though. All functions work just they should be, but there's something left to be desire. Just wonder is this a common problem, or it's a defective product.
Walter C.
略譯: 您好,我購買partner C2 pro silver/ XP-L warm後發現燈頭內有部分入塵的狀況,雖不影響實際使用,但是入塵固為遺珠之憾。只是想要了解入塵是否屬於正常情況?
3. 我再次回覆並附上照片兩張Thank you for answering my question.
I perchased this light at local retailer in Taiwan.
(Website: www.wii.tw)
I've already return to the shop and ask the manager, we checked other lights of same model (even different model, e.g., Prime C2 pro) and seems like they all share the same problem.
And also, I've attached several photos of my mine as reference.
Thank you for your reply.
Small dust particles are allowed on the reflector. They do not influence the marketable condition, the main functionality and the output and brightness of the flashlight. They do not affect on the work of the flashlight.
譯: 反射鏡內的細小塵埃等粒子是屬於可接受範圍內,總之,此現象並不會影響主要功能以及高亮度、卓越的手電筒表現。 僅此