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Zebralight H602W 簡易開箱

請教一下 H602w 的演色性好不好呀?
4400K 色溫適不適合幫照相做一點小補光?
最近在找大泛光的90度轉角筒, 希望偶而也可以幫照相一點忙... 謝謝
謝謝 yren 解說
好像這幾個條件加起來有點難找... 直角筒+18650+高CRI+色溫略低
只好現在先忍住了...  >"<
嗚~ 我看是凶多吉少了
(還是...一般怕影響現貨銷售量, 對未來產品都三緘其口?)

Zebralight 對後續產品的回覆 (H602c/d 有譜)

H602c or H602d,

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Ticket status: Completed

Department: Customer Service

Subject: Will there be H602c or such products plan?

There will be H600Fd, H600Fc, H602d, and H602c, in 5000K and 4000K respectively. CRI is typically around 85.


ZebraLight, Inc.
2908 Story Rd. W
Irving, TX 75038
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